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ap world history

In our AP World History class we begin our adventure by taking a look at the intricacies of the global tapestry and explore how states formed, expanded, and declined in areas of the world during 1200–1450. From 1450-1750 we explore the empires that held power over large areas of the world. As we dive into the years of 1750-1900 we will see how emerging political ideas and developments in technology led to large-scale changes in governments, society, and economies which led to imperialism, expansion, and eventual conflict from 1900 to present. 

This is an internet archive
copy of the AMSO AP
World History textbook
we will use during our
Feel free to reference this as needed.

AMSCO AP World History_0000.jpg

Need to do citations? Not sure how? MLA, APA & Chicago citations can be generated here. You can also keep up with your bibliography and copy/paste it when you are finished! Work smarter not harder!

Heimler's History is a YouTube channel dedicated to AP students. We will be watching some of his videos in class but he also has great resources for studying!


Heimler's History


Take a look at the College Board's AP website page for students for a wealth of information about AP courses and the AP exam.


Ducksters: It's not just for kids! Great info here!


Take a look at Khan Academy's World History Project to enrich your learning. Begin with Era 4 and move through Era 7.

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